
Premios MOLAA 08 - Subasta / Auction

Museum of Latin American Art
Premiación y subasta 2008
Octubre 18 y 19

LONG BEACH, Calif. (October 17, 2008) – The Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA) is proud to announce the six merit award winners for this year’s third annual MOLAA Awards, an invitational juried art competition for emerging and mid-career contemporary Latin American artists. The competition invited 83 artists from the regions of Mexico, Central and South America and the Caribbean who are newly emerging on the national and international contemporary art scene.

The top award winners for 2008 are: Best of Show ($20,000)—Leyla Cárdenas (Colombia, b. 1975); Painting and Two-Dimenstional Mixed Media ($5,000)—Rocío Rendón Castañeda (Perú, b. 1972); Sculpture and Three-Dimensional Mixed Media ($5,000)—Ángel Delgado Fuentes (Cuba, b. 1965); Works on Paper ($5,000)—Mayra Barraza (El Salvador, b. 1966); Photography and Video ($5,000)—Claudio Castillo (Cuba, b. 1958); Honorable Mention—Daniel Fiorda (Argentina, b. 1963). The MOLAA Awards were established by the museum to further encourage the support of Latin American artists in the United States. The signature event and prestigious awards offer the artists greater exposure to new audiences and cash awards to assist them in further developing their artistic careers.

Each artist has donated the work of art to the museum in order to participate in the competition: the award winning works of art become a part of the MOLAA Permanent Collection; the others are offered during Auction 08 to the public for acquisition to their private collections. All proceeds from Auction 08 benefit MOLAA’s ongoing exhibition, collection and education programs.

The MOLAA Awards are selected by a panel of distinguished judges from the field of Contemporary and Latin American art. This year’s judges were Selma Holo Ph.D., Director of the USC Fisher Gallery, Catha Paquette Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Latin American Art in the College of the Arts at California State University, Long Beach and Jose Tasende, President of Tasende Gallery, La Jolla and Los Angeles. In a joint statement about the winning works, the judges said that they “…are confident that the works selected will enhance the MOLAA Permanent Collection given their distinct aims and visions, their diverse methods, and their quality of execution. Together they further the ongoing dialog about what constitutes art in Latin America today. They make evident that the artists are engaged not only with local concerns and traditions but also matters of global interest.”

About Museum of Latin American Art (MOLAA)
Founded in 1996, MOLAA is more than a museum; it is a renowned cultural center that presents a diverse array of special events and educational programs. A non-profit, 501 (c) (3) organization and Smithsonian affiliate, MOLAA's mission is to educate the public about contemporary Latin American fine art (by artists who have lived and worked in Latin America since WWII) through the presentation of a significant permanent collection, dynamic exhibitions and related cultural and educational programs. The museum is located in the heart of the East Village Arts District of Long Beach.

Obra seleccionada:
De la serie El sueño de la razón (detalle)
Acuarela sobre papel, 100 x 70 cms

La obra presentada a concurso tiene como punto de partida el proyecto en formato de blog que realice en el 2006 bajo el título de 100 días en la República de la Muerte. Impactada por el alto índice de asesinatos diarios en El Salvador y por los casos reportados de decapitaciones y desmembramientos decidí indagar y realizar un conteo de los muertos por asesinatos reportados en los medios escritos en El Salvador durante 100 días.

A través de la serie de acuarelas de cuerpos desnudos y cabezas decapitadas de mujeres me propongo acompañar a las víctimas y hacer visible la fragilidad de su condición humana. El tamaño de los dibujos sobre el soporte, el medio de la acuarela y el soporte de papel contrastan en su fragilidad y delicadeza con la sordidez de la imagen.

Las acuarelas de cabezas decapitadas (autorretratos) pertenecen a la serie El sueño de la razón.
Toda la obra presentada tiene de trasfondo un discurso de carácter filosófico también, representando el cuerpo los instintos y la sexualidad, la cabeza la razón y la duda. El diálogo entre ambos desde un cuerpo fragmentado nos deja ante un complejo vaivén de posibilidades.
